1.    Follow our social media account; Instagram, Facebook & TikTok
2.    Spend minimum of RM50 in a single receipt to use this voucher
3.    Show your voucher code to the cashier to redeem
4.    This voucher is only valid for walk-in customer only
5. This voucher valid throughout 2024 Syawal month
6.    Validity period of this voucher will not be extended
7.    If your purchase exceeds the value of the gift voucher, balance must be paid by cash, debit or credit          card
8.    Vouchers are for one time use only and subject to availability
9.    Tuah Cafe reserves the right to cancel any gift voucher if we deem such action necessary


1.    Follow our social media account; Instagram, Facebook & TikTok
2.    Spend minimum of RM50 in a single receipt to use this voucher
3.    Show your voucher code to the cashier to redeem
4.    This voucher is only valid for walk-in customer only
5. This voucher valid throughout 2024 Syawal month
6.    Validity period of this voucher will not be extended
7.    If your purchase exceeds the value of the gift voucher, balance must be paid by cash, debit or credit          card
8.    Vouchers are for one time use only and subject to availability
9.    Tuah Cafe reserves the right to cancel any gift voucher if we deem such action necessary